The following are some random historical events that have revolutionized today's life (some in indirect ways and some in no way, yet fun to know), I tried including events that are less known. If you're bored at home and have nothing to do, then probably this post might be a good way to pass your time.
In around 600 BCE, Static Electricity was discovered by Thales of Miletus, when it was taken into account that rubbing amber against fur would attract small pieces of straw. In the absence of proper tools the phenomenon remained a mystery for almost more than 2,000 years.

In around 2400 B.C., The Sumerians (One of the first civilization) accounted the sun's annual path cross the sky was approximately 360 days. In a requisite to track the sun's motion, they decided to divide the circle in 360 degrees. And so a circle has 360 degrees.

During the plague of 1350, Giovanni Boccaccio wrote Decameron, one of the greatest collections of short stories. In a similar situation, during the plague of 1666, Newton discovered a subset of a big picture.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar. Used by almost all of us today, stripping out the inaccuracy of the previously followed Julian calendar, making a very credible contribution to daily life.

In 1781, William Herschel discovered "George", today known as Uranus. In the Consequent century, his son, John Herschel pioneered color photography.

In 1883, Krakatoa's volcanic eruption left wide (wider then the wavelength of the color red) particles in the atmosphere, causing the scattering of blue color, leaving the moon blue for almost 2 years and giving rise to the phrase "once in a blue moon."

In 1897, J.J. Thomson showed electrons are particles. And in 1937, his son G.P Thomson showed that electrons are waves.

In 1911, Ernest Rutherford discovers that most of an atom is just empty space, leaving him terrified of getting off his bed the following morning, fearing the empty space he would step onto.

In 1920, Lewis Richardson, an English mathematician, physicist, meteorologist, psychologist and pacifist, who pioneered modern mathematical techniques of weather forecasting, 6 weeks to predict the weather 6 hours in advance.

In 1980, Chemist August Kekulé recounted how he had only discovered the structural formula for benzene, during a daydream, he had seen a snake biting its own tail, which he then later interpreted as the molecular bond between atoms.

In 1968, Apollo 8 left earth to reach the moon's orbit. In the process we discovered ourselves through the picture termed earth rise. It left an immense hallmark on all of mankind and so two years later we celebrated the first ever earth day in 1970.
